Indian Room Challenge: The Before Photos

For the last few weeks I’ve been busy immersed in all things Indian decor, whilst taking part in the Cox and Kings Blogger Challenge to redesign a room with an Indian theme.

As there are now only a few days left to make the final adjustments, add up the costs and take the final photos, it’s about time to show you what the room looked like before.

It’s our spare bedroom, and it hasn’t had any attention paid to at all, but I hadn’t realised before the photos were taken quite how uninspiring it actually looked!

Undecorated spare bedroom

Undecorated uninspiring bedroom Plain and boring bedroom decor

Thankfully, after several weeks of shopping, sourcing, buying, making and decorating, it now looks better than that – all will be revealed in a few days time!

Other related posts:

Cox and Kings Blogger Challenge

Blogger Challenge: Update

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