Cox and Kings Blogger Challenge: Update

One week into the Cox and Kings Blogger Challenge to create an Indian themed room and things are progressing a bit.

After a lot of research (read: long hours spent browsing shops on the Internet) I’ve taken the plunge and purchased several items. Some have arrived already (one in super quick time) and seem suitable for the theme, one is going back as the quality turned out to be poor, whilst other bits are en route.

I’ve had a frustrating time trying to get one particular item – I’ve found two pieces that would be perfect, but one subsequently sold out online and the other turned out not to be available for home delivery (and there’s no store within easy reach), so it’s back to the drawing board.

I’ve been actively seeking good deals and bargains, to try and help the budget stretch further, and got a fabulous bargain on some lovely cushions.  More details and photos to come in due course!

I’ve still got a few things to source and work out what on earth I’m going to with some areas. In the next few days I have a bit of DIY to attempt involving the wall and a plan that I’m hoping will work out okay.

Even though the budget of £250 seemed a lot at first, when you start shopping and looking at the prices of things, it can get eaten up quite quickly!

You can follow our tweets @CosyHomeBlog and discover how the other bloggers are getting on with their rooms by following the #ckbloggerchallenge hashtag on Twitter.

The challenge is being run by Cox & Kings, a holiday company specialising in tailor-made holidays.

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