Money and bills is something that is always on your mind, even when you’re in a fairly comfortable position. You always want to be mindful of what you’re spending so that you can find a way to build your savings pot and have more money for your future. You have worked so hard to make your home a cosy place to live, now it’s time to make sure you’re getting the most out of it without having to pay extortionate bills every month. Getting savvy and saving money on your bills this summer is possible, so here are a handful of tips to help you make your money go a little bit further.
Change Energy Suppliers

If you are currently paying a tonne of money with your current energy supplier it may be time to think about switching. Keeping costs down and paying less money each month using a prepayment smart meter supplier might be the best option for you. With this in mind, have a look around for good deals and you’ll soon find an option that works best for your household. So many homeowners are paying far too much for their energy without even realising so make sure you do your research and discover a better choice for your family.
Don’t Turn Your Lights On Until It’s Dark Outside
This might sound like an obvious thing to do, but how often do you turn on your lights before you actually need to? If you think hard before clicking that switch, you’ll probably find that you’re turning the lights on unnecessarily without even realising. If you’re struggling to remember, why not put up a little sign above your light switches to remind you to only touch it if it’s really necessary?
Opt for Fans Over Air Conditioning

When the temperature starts to soar it can be very tempting to turn on the air conditioning, but you should try and stick to fans whenever possible. Opting for fans over air conditioning is always the better option. This is not only going to save you a tonne on your energy bills, but it’s also a much kinder choice for the environment too. Fans may not always be as effective as air conditioning, but it will certainly help to take the edge off a warm home in the summer months.
Dry Your Washing Outside
During the summer it is so much more energy efficient to hang your clothing on the washing line outside instead of using your tumble dryer. The tumble dryer will use up so much electricity and you won’t be making the most of the sunny weather. If possible, you should always try and put your clothes out to dry outside as it keeps them fresh and reduces energy usage in the home by a tonne.
When you put these small and simple actions into play in your home, you will soon start to see a huge improvement in how your monthly bills work out. Whether you’re considering a smart metre or you’re drying your washing outside instead of in the tumble dryer, these easy habits will prevent your bills from skyrocketing and you’ll be doing your part for the planet too!