As the UK has seemingly skipped summer and is shortening autumn to move right into winter, your role in preparing your garden for the colder months is crucial. This proactive step ensures your garden is in the best condition possible when you return to it once the warmer days rear their heads next year. Whether you have plants, water features, trees, or even furniture, your preparation for winter is a significant contribution to the health of your garden. But what does preparing your garden for winter entail?
Clean and Tidy

Cleaning and tidying your garden is the first step to winter maintenance. Tidy up leaves and debris, and remove any rubbish that might be lying around. Tidy up toys, furniture and garden accessories so they don’t become damaged over the winter and give the whole area a good clean. This proactive step not only reduces any potential damage but also makes the spring clean a little bit easier, leaving you feeling relieved and prepared for the coming season.
Remember to clean any water features you have right, such as ponds or pools. Services such as Pond Clean can be used every month, or you can get a more intense clean over the winter to ensure you care for and protect any fish or wildlife that reside in the water.
Tidy Up Plants
If you have plants or borders in your garden, it is time to tidy them up and uproot annual plants or plant perennials. Uprooting your annual plants now might feel like a waste, but it will save you a job next year when the time comes to tend to your flower beds; simply add the plants you remove to your compost pile.
Another top tip is to use horticultural fleece to protect delicate plants that might become damaged during harsher winter months. This fleece can add protection from the frost, which can be particularly damaging to tender plants. By using horticultural fleece, you give these plants a better chance of survival next year, reducing the need for replanting and saving you time and effort.

De-weeding your garden is vital before winter. If left alone, weeds can become problematic and destructive, causing damage throughout the garden. Taking the time now to de-weed your garden puts you in control and ensures an easier job post-winter. Pay attention to edges, borders, lawns, and cracks in paving, and try to remove the weeds from the roots to prevent regrowth during the winter months.
Add Mulch
If you’re worried about the ground freezing or your plants becoming damaged, you need to add a thick layer of organic mulch to the ground to offer added protection from the elements. Organic mulch, such as compost, straw, or wood chips, can help protect the ground from frost and prevent excessive soil erosion from rainfall runoff. Each type of mulch has its own benefits, so choose the one that best suits your garden’s needs.
As we head towards winter, you can do multiple things right now to protect your garden and make life easier for yourself next spring. These tips are simple and easy to follow and can give you a great starting point next year once you head back out into the garden.