We most often think about style rather than functionality when it comes to our home decor. That’s not really a problem somewhere like your living room, but in your bedroom, overlooking functionality in place of style could become a problem pretty quickly if those style choices impact your ability to sleep.
Bright colour choices and stark lighting are just two examples of bedroom decor that could keep you up at night, meaning that you’ll quickly regret introducing them into the space. Still, you want your bedroom to look its best and tie in with the rest of your decor choices. Luckily, there are a few sleep-safe bedroom decor ideas that could help your style, and your sleep, without compromise.
1. Ambient light fixtures

Stark, white lighting might suit minimalist cool tones throughout the rest of your house, but exposure to bright lights just before bed could impact sleep. Instead, you’d be better off with ambient lighting options that may actually complement the bedroom aesthetic. Dimmable lighting and soft warm bulbs are a great option in the bedroom. Make them look good with something like a fluffy light shade that dims that light even further, or perhaps a touch-controlled soft bedside lamp in a colour and style that suit your home decor more generally.
2. Blackout curtains or blinds

Thin, wispy curtains might look whimsical and fun, but no one will be laughing when light streams into your room as early as 4 a.m during the summer. Even if you want floral, light-looking curtains, pairing your dream curtain fabric with blackout backing is going to make a huge difference to bedroom functionality and enjoyment, even if it does add a slight heaviness to those curtain drapes. If you want to keep your windows clear of heavy fabrics, you could even opt for something like blackout Roman blinds, which concertina neatly to become a great, sleek window fixture in the day, but are sure to keep unwanted light at bay when you’re sleeping.
3. Add depth with calming textures

Adding depth to our decor often means incorporating bright pops of colour to offset white walls. But, overwhelming colour in the bedroom can stop this from feeling like a calm, sleep-suited space. Hence you may find it far more effective to introduce depth using calming textures. Offsetting silk bed pillows with fluffy throws in pastel colours, for example, will create a layered, appealing bed that you can’t resist lying down on. Equally, tying similar textures into any bedroom chairs ensures a cohesive bedroom design that’s gentle and inviting, rather than overwhelming and loud. And, when it comes to sleep, gentle and inviting is exactly the vibe you should be aiming for.
More so than many other spaces in the home, bedroom decor can feel incredibly personal, but one thing we can all agree on is the fact that sleep should be a priority here. Make sure that’s the case by putting these dreamy decor ideas into action.
[…] A good mattress is just one part of the good night’s sleep recipe; the rest of the decor can have a huge impact; here is what you need to know about that: Dreamy Bedroom Decor Ideas For A Better Night’s Sleep. […]
[…] Too much clutter in your bedroom and it won’t be a relaxing place that aids sleep. But not enough of the things you love and it won’t feel special. Try to find the balance between displaying treasured possessions and maintaining a sense of space. […]