How to Buy the Best Mattress for your Baby

In the same way that it’s important to take time choosing the right mattress for your bed, it’s also important to consider the options when buying a mattress for an infants room.

Choosing a mattress for your infant is one of the most important decisions that you will ever make as a consumer. Not only must the product you select provide a comfortable night’s sleep for the baby, but it must also support their growing bones and ensure their safety at all times. Not all products on the market have been created equal, so it is your responsibility as a parent to shop around and find the best one to suit your child’s needs.

Choosing the Best Mattress for your Baby: 3 Important Things to Bear in Mind

With this in mind, what exactly should you be looking when shopping for an infant’s mattress? Keep the following points in mind as you evaluate each product:

1. What type of mattress do you want?

There are two specific type of crib mattresses, each of which offers variable benefits to children. The first of these is the foam mattress, which is the more affordable and lightest option available. Usually designed at between 3 and 6 inches thick, foam mattresses are usually high density and weigh in at about 1.5 pounds per cubic foot. While this type of product is ideal for families operating on a budget, those with a little more money to spend may instead choose to invest in an innerspring mattress. Incredibly durable and malleable to your infants form, this product is slightly more conducive to a peaceful night’s sleep.

2. Each mattress must fit its individual crib

The mattress that you purchase must ultimately be a perfect fit for your child’s crib, as this ensures that there are no gaps or openings around the edging of the bed. This prevents an infant from slipping or banging their head, while it also ensures that the mattress remains firmly fixed in place as the child sleeps. Bear in mind that a supple. mobile or infirm mattress can place your child at considerable risk of suffocation or even SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome), so the product that you choose must be suitable.

3. Consider your child’s age and rate of development

Children develop at a considerable rate, and as a parent you must ensure that their clothes and accessories are purchased with this in mind. You must carefully monitor your child’s growth over time, and look to replace products the moment that they have been outgrown. This is especially important with relation to bedding, as failing to replace an infirm mattress can have both a physical and emotional impact. In order to maintain your child’s concentration and physical growth, the mattress that they sleep on must be supportive and allow for a decent nights rest.

Once you’ve got their mattress and bed sorted, you can get on with the fun part of decorating your baby’s room!

Author Bio: This article was written by Lewis on behalf of Odd Mattress. To visit the widest range of bedding products in the UK, visit today.


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