Country heart large wooden bowl

Country home wooden heart salad bowlCountry heart wood servers

With the weather acting suspiciously summer-like, we’re planning on making the most of it whilst it lasts. Eating outside in the garden is great, but I’m never keen on taking out my best china or crockery.

This large wooden salad bowl would be perfect for outdoor entertaining, as it looks stylish, but is super practical too. Hand carved from hevea wood, the bowl is finished off in a country style with a hand-painted heart design. The large heart bowl is £19.99 and a matching smaller bowl is available for £9.99.

To complete the look, a set of triple heart matching wooden salad servers are available too, for only £4.99.

All the country heart design pieces can be purchased from Touches Home Interiors.

For more product ideas and inspiration, why not have a read of their blog too?

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